
Take a walking tour of Istanbul through bazaars brimming with spices and silks towards Istanbul’s grandest cultural sights. From the Topkapi Palace to the Sultan Ahmet Mosque (which visitors nicknamed, the Blue Mosque, because of its beautiful blue Iznik tiles). From there, travel outside the capital to Turkey’s ancient cities of Canakkale, Kusadasi, Pamukkale and Bursa. Stop at the Troy Archaeological site and the Aphrodisias site, which has been sacred since as early as 5,800 B.C. when farmers would come by to worship the goddess Aphrodite.
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Day 1 Start tour
Day 2 Merhaba Istanbul
Meet your tour director and check into hotel
Details: Istanbul city walk
The dynamic gateway between Europe and Asia, Istanbul straddles the two continents with grace. Open-air markets, little changed since the Ottoman Empire, offer silks, carpets, and spices, while cars speed past the modern hotels, cafés, and skyscrapers catering to the city’s newfound popularity as a tourist destination. Domes and minarets still dot the skyline, however, from the immense church of Hagia Sophia -- the absolute masterpiece of Byzantine architecture and the fourth-largest church in the world, with a dome 180 feet high -- to the beautiful Blue Mosque, designed for the 19-year-old Sultan Ahmet in 1609.
Details: Blue Mosque visit
With its six staggering minarets that salute its eight cascading domes, the Sultan Ahmet Mosque may appear to be a dominating piece of architecture from the outside. But visitors have given it the friendly nickname, the Blue Mosque, because of its beautiful blue handmade Iznik tiles that grace the interior. Look carefully and you’ll even spot some that are decorated with cypresses, fruits and flowers. As one of the last mosques of the classical period, visiting the Blue Mosque is a must. And those who come in summer will be wowed by a light show and historical narrative held every evening.
Day 3 Istanbul landmarks
Details: Istanbul guided sightseeing tour
This panoramic tour will take you to Istanbul’s greatest monuments, offering insight into this city‘s long and rich history.
Details: Hagia Sophia visit
Visit the Hagia Sophia and trace the five lives of this ancient house of worship: two as an Eastern Orthodox Cathedral, one as a Roman Catholic Cathedral, one as an Imperial Mosque and now as a museum. Marvel at the great surviving Byzantine design, ornately decorated with marble and colorful frescoes. Recent restorations have even uncovered ancient Christian mosaics for you to admire alongside traditional Islamic artifacts.
Details: Topkapi Palace visit
Explore the Topkapi Palace that was built for the tastes of Sultan Mehmet II, an Ottoman conqueror who didn’t like Istanbul’s typical Byzantine architecture. His palatial design was so impressive that UNESCO named it a World Heritage Site. Meander through courtyard after courtyard, past the library, the mosque, and the harem before coming to the private chambers of the Sultan and his wives. Along the way, be sure to check out some of the most important relics of Islamic history that fill the Palace, including Prophet Muhammed’s cloak and sword.
Day 4 Istanbul--Çanakkale
Travel to Çanakkale
Day 5 Çanakkale--Kusadasi
Travel to Bergama
Travel to Kusadasi
Details: Archaeological Site of Troy visit
Archaeological Site of Troy is a UNESCO World Heritage destination whose 4,000 years of history include the first contact between the people of Anatolia and the Mediterranean. (It’s also the inspiration for Homer’s Iliad.) Glimpse into the development of European civilization from as far back as the Bronze Age. Excavations have unearthed arrowheads, human remains and even houses and defense walls that suggest nine cities were built one on top the other at this site.
Details: Ruins of Pergamon visit
Explore the Roman baths, marble temples, palaces of Hellenic kings, gymnasiums, a theater and even the first known hospital in history called the Asclepius. You’ll also have a chance to see the base of the Great Altar of Pergamon located on the upper Acropolis, which is believed to have been dedicated to Zeus, the father of gods and men.
Day 6 Kusadasi
Details: Ancient Ephesus excursion
Scholars put Ephesus as the fourth most populous Roman city back in 1 B.C. (That’s home to some quarter of a million Romans.) And because it was established as a port, Ephesus was known as the trade center of the ancient world. Although the glory days of Ephesus are long gone, take a tour of this ancient archaeological site and witness remnants of life as it once was. Explore the Library of Celcus, Curetes Way, Odeon and the Temple of Hadrian. And, be sure to stop at the Temple of Artemis (one of the Seven Wonders of the World) along the way.
Day 7 Kusadasi--Pamukkale
Travel to Pamukkale
Aphrodisias Archaeological Museum visit
Details: Ancient Aphrodisias archaeological site visit
Once one of the most prominent cities in ancient times, Aphrodisias met its decline in the 7th century when it was hit by an earthquake. Yet its glory is still evident by the remains of sturdy city defense walls and an observation tower built on the highest point of the city. Although only Ionic columns now stand at the center of Aphrodisias, marking the Temple of Aphrodite, the imposing ornamental gate called the Tetrapylon will capture your awe and imagination. Aphrodisias is also home to one of the best preserved stadiums of the ancient world, as well as a theater where gladiators ferociously battled to entertain the baying crowds.
Day 8 Pamukkale--Bursa
Sardis excursion
GymnasiumRoman SynagogueTemple of ArtemisChurch of Revelation
Pamukkale baths visit
Travel to Bursa
Details: Sardis excursion
Unearth Sardis’ long history at this excavation site and see the infamous Temple of Artemis (first initiated by Alexander the Great, then rebuilt over centuries in many different styles but was never actually completed), the Church of Revelation, the Gymnasium and the extravagantly named Marble Court of the Hall of the Imperial Cult. Notably, ancient Sardis had a very large and prosperous Jewish community, leading to the construction of the largest ancient synagogue outside of Palestine. Although only the floor, some walls and columns remain you’ll notice an exquisite mosaic decorating this ruin.
Details: Bursa guided sightseeing tour
Explore the Ottoman Empire’s first capital city. It may be ancient but it’s still bustling. Wind your way through Bursa’s charming streets lined with antiquated Ottoman houses, magnificent mosques including the artistically designed 15th century Green Mosque (named for its dark green mosaic interior) and the covered bazaar selling rich silks, spices and Turkey’s trademark shadow puppets. For a breath of fresh air, escape the city center to see the Green Tomb of Sultan Mehmet I nestled among cypresses in one of Bursa’s hilly neighborhoods.
Day 9 Istanbul
Travel to Istanbul
Day 10 End tour
Map of  Turkey Educational Student Tour and Trip | Explorica
Tour Includes:
  • 8 overnight stays in hotels with private bathrooms
  • Breakfast daily
  • Dinner daily
  • Lunch as per itinerary
  • Full-time services of a professional tour director
  • Guided sightseeing tours and city walks as per itinerary
  • Visits to select attractions as per itinerary
  • Tour Diary™
  • Local Guide and Local Bus Driver tips; see note regarding other important tips
  • Note: On arrival day only dinner is provided; on departure day, only breakfast is provided
  • Note: Tour cost does not include airline-imposed baggage fees, or fees for any required passport or visa. Optional excursions, optional pre-paid Tour Director and multi-day bus driver tipping, among other individual and group customizations will be listed as separate line items in the total trip cost, if included.

We are better able to assist you with a quote for your selected departure date and city over the phone. Please call 1.888.378.8845 to price this tour with your requested options.

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