STEM: Learning at Home

Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education creates critical thinkers, increases science literacy, and enables that next generation of innovators with ingenuity and creativity that leads to new ideas and exciting innovation.

World Expos

A world’s fair or exposition (expo) is a large international exhibition designed to showcase technological achievements around the world. The events vary in character and range from three to six months in duration.

  • Bureau International des Expositions: Learn all about previous world fairs and check out the list of upcoming fairs.
  • The Eiffel Tower: While most will recognize the Eiffel Tower as the unofficial emblem of Paris, many are unaware of its controversial beginnings over 125 years ago. Originally created as the entrance to the 1889 World’s Fair, the Eiffel Tower was once yellow! Learn more about this historical engineering marvel and take a virtual tour.
  • The Space Needle: Another World’s Fair remant, the Space Needle, opened in 1962, was designed to inspire and symbolize humanity’s Space Age aspirations. Learn all about the history of the Space Needle, discover how it was built and what it looks like inside, and check out the views from the top with the Space Needle Panocam.
Living in Space with NASA

Ever wondered what it is like to brush your teeth in space?  How about sleep or cry? For answers to any of those questions, have a look at Chis Hadfield’s videos on YouTube!

Unlock the Secrets of the Universe

As the Universe continues to expand, humanity’s curiosity about why we exist and how the Big Bang happened continue to be a topic of intrigue. CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is a physics facility that makes studying the Big Bang possible.


While robots might seem like something out of science fiction, they are starting to have a starring role in our day to day life.


Walt Disney created Tomorrowland to inspire the public to look towards the future.

  • The dedication to the park reads: “A vista into a world of wonderous ideas, signifying man’s achievements…a step into the future, with predictions of constructive things to come. Tomorrow offers new frontiers in science, adventure, and ideals: The Atomic Age…the challenge of outer space…and the hope for a peaceful and unified world.”
  • For a fun way to inspire and entertain young minds, watch Disney’s Tomorrowland.