Quebec: Learning at Home

Learn the province
Quebec’s coat of arms bears a shield that is split into three horizontal bands. The top band displays three fleurs-de-lis against a blue background, representing France’s involvement and influence on the province. The middle band shows a lion against a red backdrop, which represents Britain’s involvement in the region. Finally, the green maple leaves represent the country of Canada. Centered above the shield is the Royal Crown. The motto “Je Me Souviens” means “I remember.”

The Quebec provincial flag consists of a blue field background divided into quarters by a central white cross. Within each quarter is a white fleur-de-lis, which was adopted by the French monarchy for their royal coat of arms.

Study some history
Dive deep into the history of Quebec and some sites you’ll visit on tour. Old Quebec is a designated UNESCO World Heritage site which has been fabulously preserved for the last 400 years. Make your way to Grosse Île, an island located in the heart of the St. Lawrence River that acted much like Ellis island in New York. Visitors can delve into the lives of villagers and immigrants and get a real understanding for what the journey and life was like for these people entering the province years ago, a vast majority of them Irish. The Irish Memorial National Historic Site sits on the island.

Get creative
Organize your art supplies and get painting! Pick a location you’ll visit on your trip and compare your artwork to photos of the location when you return. Consider painting Canyon Sainte-Anne or Wakefield Bridge, one of the few remaining wood-covered bridges in existence.

Pick a film
Watch a movie or TV show that was filmed in (or relates to) your destination. Some ideas for Quebec include:

  • Incendies (2010)
  • Octobre (1994)
  • R.A.Z.Y (2005)

Understand the culture
The culture in Quebec has come predominately from its shared history with France. However, this French-speaking region has fostered its own identity and culture through food (such as poutine) and sports (especially winter sports like ice hockey).

Examine the economy
The economy of Quebec focuses primarily on manufacturing and labour. If Quebec were a country, its economy would be ranked the 44th largest in the world–just behind Norway! Suppose you make the move to Quebec: what job would you seek out and why?

Master the language
Quebec French is based on the dialect of French that was spoken in Paris during the 17th and 18th centuries. It’s often described as sing-songy compared to other Francophone accents. There is no standard Quebec accent, as every city and town has its own emphases and unique slang.

Did you know?
Quebec City is the only fortified city north of Mexico.