Prince Edward Island: Learning at Home

Learn the Province
The Prince Edward Island coat of arms has a shield centered in the middle, surrounded by the following imagery:

  • Topping the shield in a red background is a gold heraldic lion, which also appears on the coat of arms for Prince Edward, whom the province is named after.
  • Beneath the lion is a plot of land where a mature oak tree (representing England) and three saplings (representing the three counties in the province) can be seen.
  • Above the shield is a blue jay standing on a small mound of grass with an oak leaf in its beak and the royal crown of St. Edward on its head.
  • Supporting the shield are two silver foxes, which are native to Prince Edward Island.
  • Wrapped around the fox’s neck, you’ll see garlands of potato blossoms and fishing nets, representing the island’s prosperity, reliance, and relationship with the land and sea.

The provincial flag of Prince Edward Island consists of similar imagery, including red and white stripes, a golden lion, and oak tree, and three saplings.

Study some history
In such a small province, it’s hard to ignore Charlottetown, which has Victorian-era charm and a quaint coastal feel. Heritage buildings, including the ornate St. Dunstan’s Basilica and elegant Beaconsfield Historic House, are open to the public. Learn about the inhabitants of the island by exploring the following links:

Get creative
Organize your art supplies and get painting! Pick a location you’ll visit on your trip and compare your artwork to photos of the location when you return. Consider painting Greenwich Dunes, located near St. Peters Bay, or one of Prince Edward Island’s many lighthouses such as New London Lighthouse or North Rustico Lighthouse.

Pick a film
Watch a movie or TV show that was filmed in (or relates to) your destination. Some ideas for Prince Edward Island include:

  • Anne of Green Gables (2016)
  • Lantern Hill (1990)
  • Pogey Beach (2019)

Understand the culture
Anne of Green Gables is undoubtedly Prince Edward Island’s most famous cultural offering. Watch the movie to get an idea about this small province, but keep in mind that Anne is by no means the province’s only artistic achievement!

Examine the economy
Prince Edward Island’s local industries are quite seasonal, including agriculture, fishing, and tourism. Agriculture remains the dominant industry today, with Cavendish farms running a food manufacturing operations plant on the island. However, the island has made other pushes into different industries such as aerospace, bioscience, and renewable energy.

Master the language
English is predominately spoken on Prince Edward Island. However, French is also widely spoken, especially within Acadian and Francophone communities.

Did you know?
Prince Edward Island is Canada’s smallest province, both in population and in land area!